In a world engulfed by an enigmatic fog, where extraordinary powers and scenes of chaos have become commonplace, the presence of espers has forever altered society. While some of these gifted individuals strive to wield their powers for good, the prolonged use of their abilities inevitably leads to corruption, tainting their minds and souls. To safeguard society, the Esper-Guide Association was established, relying on those who can navigate this darkness. For Han Yoonjae, living as an undocumented esper poses immense danger and is strictly prohibited. Joining the association seems impossible until the arrival of the mysterious and captivating Cha Minhyung: a figure exuding a tall, dark allure, determined to become Yoonjae’s personal guide. However, before succumbing to Minhyung’s increasingly enticing offers, Yoonjae must unravel the reasons behind his relentless insistence on guiding him. Unveiling the truth becomes paramount, as Yoonjae grapples with the decision to trust Minhyung and the implications it holds for his destiny.